Sunday 25 November 2007

Query - conversation with Dad

I would like to converse with my father. Can you pls help me in this?

Message from Mother M and the Guides:

Dear Baby,

We see that you have been carrying a lot of baggages and seek for help from outside to get rid of them. Please understand that you have a bounty of power within you which is completely unused. Your father is well and safe. He has loads of compassion and love for you. He looks after you and feels that you do not love yourself enough to tap into your potential. You are just ignoring your power. Conversing with your father is not hard. You do not need a medium to do it for you. If you quieten your mind, you can hear him. But what do you do to make your mind still?

Follow the signs to the road of freedom. You are ignoring all the glaring signs and crying for help. We want you to learn to walk on your own and we'll help you in all the possible ways in your journey. But carrying you on our back is not good because the purpose of your life will be defeated if we do so.

We see that there is so much going on in your mind. Your mind is like a boiling water full of turbulence. We have compassion for you. We see that you feel powerless to change the way you feel about someone. If you feel powerless, you'll be powerless. Do what makes you feel powerful. You will attract more power.

You are in the right place in your life and you have right resources to manifest your desires. One cannot expect more than this. You are in the proximity of a divine being who is more than willing to help you. Ask for help to realize your inner power. Life is a journey. Be patient and learn your lessons. It is completely upto you to use this opportunity.

Your father says that the man in your life is a good person but lacks courage. Give him time. Take this time to develop yourself. If you are at peace in the inner level, your outter life will attract miracles on its own. Set aside time for self exploration. Heal your past. Let go of the hurt feelings. Forgive the people that hurt you. Send love to the people that are still hurting you. They are your best teachers.

We want you to open your mind to endless possibilities. Possibilities beyond your wildest imagination. Write your dreams down in detail. Start living like you already manifested your dream. You'll see that your dreams are turning into reality.

Trust that all is well...

Peace be with you, dear child

Blessings from the heaven

1 comment:

gaya3 said...

I would like to thank you for replying my query. I will try to make use of power within myself.