Friday 23 November 2007

Interview with Angels

Yesterday, I was trying to communicate with my angels (angels and guides are different entities.) using a very simple technique I learnt from Rebecca Marina's ebook (details at the end)

I was very skeptical (yes, still...)

See below my questions and Angels' answers:

Dear Angels, Can you please give one of your names please?

(Internal talk: ??!!!&**@!! what kind of name is this? Perhaps, this is all my imagination or I am getting it wrong!)

How do we heal outselves?
Like a child trusts its parents, trust God

If we plan our own life path before coming here, won't changing it deliberately mess up with the design?
Joy of learning comes from deliebrately changing the situation

How do we attract Joy?
Practice Joy

Faking Joy does not resonate with me. I've tried it. It is difficult too...
Don't have to fake it. Do what brings you Joy!

You should have seen my reaction when I received the name of the Angel! I had never heard a word or name called 'GIMMET'. I was 95% sure that it was just my own creative thinking :-)

I googled for Gimmet today morning and guess what, Gimmet is a rare name and in the urban dictionary, 'gimmet' means 'give it to me' - wow! How appropriate for an angel!!!

I felt so touched again. I started my day by receiving an angel message which is:


nice, isn't it? Have you given anything today - a piece of unconditional love, an innocent smile, a warm hug or even a simple hello to a long lost friend? Why don't you try it?
Rebecca Marina's ebook '30 Tiny Angel Steps' gives a very simple technique for communicating with angels. This book can be downloaded for free from her website when you subscribe for the newsletter. If you are interested, follow the link below:


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