Friday 16 November 2007

Blame Game exercise

As per the philosophy in the last posting, we decide what we want to go thro', right? So when we blame somebody for our current situation, we give away our power and feel hopless and helpless. Experts say that most of such blame comes from childhood experiences.

If you are feeling stuck or keep thinking 'if only this did not happen/ if only heshe did not do this or that....' try this exercise:
(Courtesy: rebecca marina)

Write the following question with your dominant hand: (with the hand in which you do most of your activities)

Dear inner child, who do you blame for where you are right now?

Hold the pen in your other hand now, close your eyes and allow your inner child to come forward. Write (with non-dominant hand) what comes up as the answer to your question

The response you get might surprise you -- it surely did for me. You might find the root of the issue - ie the root cause for the repeated patterns in your life.

Once you heal your relationship with this person/event you blame, you'll feel empowered and the situation will start to shift. Try Zpoint for healing the issues

Hope this helps


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