Thursday, 15 November 2007

Who am I? Where am I?

Looking back at my life, I keep wondering how interesting the journey has been. Interesting does not necessarily mean joyful - tragedy, tears, rejection, miracles, unexpected twists & turns - oh, sure my biography will be an interesting read:-)

To be honest, my journey has been rough like most of the other mediums'. By looking from outside, people might die to swap life with me - but beware, when you are in my shoes you forget what you have. That's the issue - self realization. I seem to learn my life's lessons from struggles. Every time I fall into a ditch, I manage to come up with more strength and a bit more wisdom. This pattern keeps repeating and I am exploring how I can learn thro' joy. On my voyage, I have picked up/tried some powerful tools - To mention a few:

Meditations (Different kinds - Art of Living, guided, spiritual, Transcendental etc)
Past Life regression
Self hypnosis
Journey therapy
Chakra healing
Zpoint Process
Zensight Process
Psychic reading
Spiritual reading
Theta Healing
Inner Child work
Core belief engineering
Polarity Therapy
Colour therapy
Applied kineseology
Law of Attraction

About 3 years back, in an uphill struggle with a lot of grief and other emotional baggages, I casually requested a spiritual reading. When the medium said I would be a healer and medium I did not believe it. But I was drawn to a mediumship development circle where I discovered my gifts - clairvoyance and trance mediumship. Soon after I joined the circle, I felt my aunt in spirit around me while I was meditating. I saw some visions that did not make any sense to me. But when I shared them with my cousin, she was blown away completely. Then it happened whenever someone around me needed emotional healing. Word spread - more and more people ask for private reading now. I am so grateful for the way Spirt moves me.

I now realize all these tools I picked up come in very handy when I work with people with various needs and various level of awareness. After all, it seems like everything happens for a reason. I do not claim to be an expert in all of these powerful tools. But so far, with the help of my guides, I have been able to take the horse to the water. I cannot drink the water for the horse, right?

However, I am unable to help myself as much as I can help others -- it does not seem to be uncommon amongst healers. I do have my moments but now I am beginning to see them in the broader perspective.

Spirt always tells me to write from my heart and that's what I have done here - no fancy words, no pretence - just as I am

Will write about my guides later.

My journey continues... Thanks for walking with me!

PS: If you need any help with using these tools or guidance from the Spirit, send your specific questions thro' feedback form. I'll try and post my response here. (can't guarantee that all the questions will be answered)

1 comment:

gaya3 said...

I would like to converse with my father. Can you pls help me in this?