Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Happy Book

Most of us choose to carry our negativity (bad experiences, painful memories, negative emotions etc) in our mind. When the negativity in mind is relived (practiced) everyday, it is affirmed and gains more strength. Do this simple exercise:

1) List as many bad experience as possible in 2 min

2) List as many good experience as possible in 2 min

For most of us, the list for (1) will be longer than (2) and the proportion will indicate your negativity

So what if you are negative? Well, you’ll tend to see everything thro’ negativity and feel more and more miserable day by day. But don’t despair. Like negativity, positivity can be practiced.

Start maintaining a happy book that has 3 parts: (courtesy: Robert)

1) Happy memories
2) Daily Abundance
3) Inspirations

Happy memories:Write down happiest memories in your life in detail. You have to describe it in such a way that you can relive it.

Daily Abundance:Start noting down the daily blessings and abundance you receive in life. You'll start noticing that you receive so much and start looking for more.

You'll be collecting things that inspired you - sayings, people, incidents, pictures etc

Read your happy book whenever you feel negative and see the difference.

The more effort you put into maintain your happy book, the more positive you'll feel

All the very best

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