Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Let Go...

You might have heard people telling you to let go...
Let go of fear...
Let go of resistance...
Let go of baggages...

Like me, you might have wondered how to let go.

Here are some simple steps to let go:

1) Acknowledge that you are clinging on to the issue/person/memory etc (address one issue at a time please)

2) Visualise the issue/person/memory etc as an object

3) Send your love to the object (visualising pink light flowing from your heart to this object could help)

4) Visualise angels/God/your soul around you in the form of bright white light

5) Breathe in this white light and breathe it out on the object (deep breathes please)

6) Keeping the breathing going, observe the changes happening to the object (you might see it dissolving or becoming lighter or see some other change)

7) Keep breathing until you feel no attachment to the object

8) If you cannot find complete detachment in a 20 minute session, keep repeating the session every day until you find yourself free

Good luck!

(Inspired writing on 20/11/07 10.45 PM)

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