Friday 7 December 2007

You are God

I have gone in circles many times in life -read and listened to quite a bit of philosophy. My search always brought me to one point:


Surrender to the divine; surrrender to the life; Surrender to.... etc
This concept used to offend me so much because for me surrendering means giving up my individuality; relinquishing my personal power; succumbing to hopelessness....
But recently I heard spiritual author Story Waters. The gist of the message is:


My understanding of Story Water's concept goes like this:

You are God. You already have everything you desire. But you have raised shields around you so that you don't experience what you have desired. You are constructing and strengthening these shields every time you resist life. So let it flow. Simply allow whatever comes to you and goes from you. The more effort you put into life, the more resistance you build. So, simple BE. Flow effortlessly with the life. You'll find bliss.

For me, allowing is much easier than surrendering. Allowing means you still hold your power. You simply choose to ALLOW.

Allowing resonates with me very well at this moment.

You may like to listen to Story Waters here:

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