Wednesday 3 September 2008

Simple technique

It has been a long time since I posted here...
I have been listening to a lot of spiritual lectures and learning... I was also working with an EFT practitioner to heal some of my issues... interesting journey and wonderful results. He taught me a very simple technique to clear energies that are stuck in our body. When I first heard about it, it really felt silly and did not think that it would ever work. But it did and does all the time...

Thought of sharing it here...

Whenever you feel a negative energy rising in you (anger, sadness, frustration etc.), observe if there is any associated physical sensation in your body. Most of the time there will be a constricted or depleted feeling in certain parts of your body. Look at the sensation and say (either aloud or in your mind) the following statements:

I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you

Give it a try... what have you got to lose?

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