Sunday, 10 February 2008

moola mantra mp3 download

I am hearing a lot about the significance of moolamantra. I am not even going to try writing about it. I leave it to you to find out if interested

But I stongly recommend you to downlond the moolamantra by Uma Mohan from the following link:

It blew me away completely - yes, the 'I' in myself vanished when I was listenting to this piece of music. For me, it does not matter whether it is a mantra, chanting or just a music - as far as it touches my heart, I choose to enjoy it irrespective of what I think/believe about it. This piece of music surely touched my soul.

Kudos to the creator!

Hope you enjoy it too!

1 comment:

Sai said...

yes thats true wonderful piece of music.....