Friday, 7 December 2007

You are God

I have gone in circles many times in life -read and listened to quite a bit of philosophy. My search always brought me to one point:


Surrender to the divine; surrrender to the life; Surrender to.... etc
This concept used to offend me so much because for me surrendering means giving up my individuality; relinquishing my personal power; succumbing to hopelessness....
But recently I heard spiritual author Story Waters. The gist of the message is:


My understanding of Story Water's concept goes like this:

You are God. You already have everything you desire. But you have raised shields around you so that you don't experience what you have desired. You are constructing and strengthening these shields every time you resist life. So let it flow. Simply allow whatever comes to you and goes from you. The more effort you put into life, the more resistance you build. So, simple BE. Flow effortlessly with the life. You'll find bliss.

For me, allowing is much easier than surrendering. Allowing means you still hold your power. You simply choose to ALLOW.

Allowing resonates with me very well at this moment.

You may like to listen to Story Waters here:

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Great Plan

Yesterday there was a set back for me in a situation. Actually it was just the opposite of what I have been working for. It down quite upset me and I asked the angels about it.

The written communication was
'If one door closes, another door opens. In your case, it is a big one'

I thought to myself, 'O, well, the usual consoling words'

Today during lunch I was listening to a recording downloaded a few weeks back. While listening, many times I wanted to close it because the topic was not what I was hoping to listen. But I kept on listening for some reason as if someone prompted me to. At one stage, Mark Saito actually said, "Guardian angels will open another door for you when a door closes"

I just could not believe it. The recording was done several weeks ago and I downloaded it a couple of weeks back. But you see, I happened to listent to it today, just when I needed it! What a great plan!

Now I am waiting for the big door to open for me :-)

Saturday, 1 December 2007

10 simple strategies to feel better

(published in

When you feel low, try any of the following strategies and feel better immediately:

1. Ask yourself 'What if this situation changes magically as I desire?' and write in detail how you will feel if it happens, how your environment will be, how your posture will be etc - use your imagination and write down even the tiniest detail that comes to your mind.

2. Collect pictures of places/objects/activities that make you feel happy. Make an album with these pictures and view it when you feel low. Nature, flowers, babies are my favourite. I have collected loads of beautiful pictures from the web and view them as a slide show in my computer. You can have different folders for different emotions.

3. Write down 10 best moments in your life in detail. If possible, attach pictures of the event and read this when you are upset. This will lift your spirit up

4. List 10 favourite activities that you enjoy. When you feel bad, perform any of these activities. Your negative emotion will be transformed into positive emotion

5. Make a playlist with 10 songs that make you happy/calm and listen to it when you are down

6. List down 10 features/assets/resources/people that you value most in your life. Write them down. This list will help you find the strength you need when you feel low.

7. Tell yourself that it is ok to feel these emotions. Visualise the emotion as an object and describe it. This technique helps you detach yourself from the emotion. When you no longer identify yourself with the emotion, you can handle it effeffectively

8. Feel the whole intensity of the emotion. You'll see that the intensity reduces drastically in a few seconds.

9. Imagine you as your best friend. Do what you'll do if your friend is feeling like you do now. Will you give a hug? Will you say some kind things about him/her? Will you simply assure him/her that things will be better? Do the same for you.

10. Write down the thoughts behind your emotions. Come up with some counter arguments based on facts. For example, if your thought is 'I am so unlucky', your counter argument will have facts that says otherwise. Try this and you will find enormous relief.

Good luck!